Sightmark Ultra Shot R-Spec Reflex Sight - Black

Sightmark Ultra Shot R-Spec Reflex Sight - Black

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Sightmark Ultra Shot R-Spec Reflex Sight - Black Product description

Sightmark Ultra Shot R-Spec Reflex Sight - Black

General properties

Manufacturer Sightmark
Dot sight series Sightmark Ultra Shot
Made in China
In production since 2018
Warranty 10 years
SKU SM26031

Turret properties

Click Value 28mm/100m - 1MOA
Windage - mrad. 38.43 mrad
Windage - MOA. 120.00 MOA

Reticle properties

Reticle -
Reticle illumination Yes
Illumination color Red & Green
Usable at daytime Yes
Adju. intensity Yes
Intensity control Yes
Parallax setting 25 m

Physical properties

Length. 110.00 mm
Weight. 344.29 g
Material Aluminium
Working temperature range -30 ° / + 71° C
Power Supply Unit CR123A
Filled with -
Lens coatings Fully Multicoated
Mount type - Integrated Picatinny
Size of window 33x24 mm
Dot Sight Type Reflex sight
Color Black

Special features

Water proof IPX-5
Fogproof No
Shock proof .50 BMG (14-19 kJ
Special features Fully multicoated, Illuminated reticle, Mount rail, Shockproof, Waterproof

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Regards I am interested in the size of the point, how many moa Thanks

Poštovanje Zanima me veličina točke koliko moa Hvala

by Andrej

Dear Andrej,

Thank you for your message.

The dot sizes are as follows:

4 different sights - 5 MOA dot, 3 MOA dot with 50 MOA circle, 3 MOA dot with 50 MOA cross, 3 MOA dot with 30 MOA circle/cross.

If you need any further help, please contact us.


Spoštovani Andrej,

hvala za poslano sporočilo.

Velikosti pike so sledeče:

4 različne pike - 5 MOA pika, 3 MOA pika z 50 MOA krogom, 3 MOA pika z 50 MOA križem, 3 MOA pika z 30 MOA krogom/križem. 

Če boste potrebovali še kakšno pomoč nas prosim kontaktirajte.

Lep pozdrav.

by Optics Trade team

Hello, I would like to know what is the current delivery time? My colleague bought this dot, and on his dot the illumination (dot, cross, circle) is green, but in your description it says: red or modo. Is it possible to order the red/green combination?

Pozdravljeni, zanima me, kakšen je aktualen dobavni rok? Kolega je kupil to piko, na njegovi piki je osvetlitev (pika, križ, krog) v zeleni barvi, v opisu pri vas pa piše: rdeče ali modo. Je možno naročiti rdečo/zeleno kombinacijo?

by Željko

Dear Zeljko,

thank you for contacting us.

The lighting in the device is red/green. We had an error on the website, which we have corrected.

The delivery time for this device is somewhere around 4 weeks in case the manufacturer has this device in stock.

For any information, please contact us at [email protected]


Spoštovani Željko,

hvala, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Osvetlitev v napravi je rdečo/zelena. Imeli smo napako na spletni strani, katero smo odpravili.

Dobavni rok za to napravo je nekje 4 tedne v primeru, da ima proizvajalec to napravo na zalogi.

V primeru kakršnih koli informacij, smo vam na voljo na [email protected]

Lep pozdrav.

by Optics Trade team

Hello! I wonder if there is any difference in the illumination intensity (at the same setting) of this meter between green and red illumination, especially in very sunny weather? LP, Franc

Pozdravljeni! Zanima me, če je kakšna razlika v jakosti osvetlitve (pri enaki nastavitvi) pri tem merku med zeleno in rdečo osvetlitvijo, predvsem pri zelo sončnem vremenu? LP, Franc

by Franc

Dear Franc,

Thank you for contacting us.

The strength of the two measures is the same. But then each individual (depending on the application) has his own preference of the colour of the merk.

In case of any information, we are always at your disposal.


Spoštovani Franc,

hvala, da ste nas kontaktirali.

Jakost obeh merkov je enaka. Ima pa potem vsak posameznik (odvisno od uporabe) svojo preferenco barve merka.

V primeru kakršnih koli informacij, smo vam vedno na voljo.

Lep pozdrav

by Optics Trade team

Hello Did you have in stock two of SIGHTMARK ULTRASHOT R SPEC REFLEX SIGHT SM26031 ? Kind regards Dmytro

by Dmytro

Dear Dmytro,

thank you for contacting us.

We would like to inform you that currently there are more than two Sightmark Ultra Shot R-Spec Reflex Sight - Black in stock.

Thank you for your understanding.
If you will need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

by Optics Trade team

Hello. Actually, how soon could you send me this reflex sight? Thank you and best regards.

Pozdravljeni. Dejansko v kolikšnem času bi mi lahko poslali ta refleksni merek. Hvala in lep pozdrav.

by Uroš


Thank you for your question.

The delivery time for the product is approximately 8 weeks from the date of order.

We are at your disposal at any time should you have any further questions.


Lepo Pozdravljeni,

zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaše vprašanje.

Dobavni rok za naveden izdelek znaša približno 8 tednov od dneva naročila.

V primeru kakršnihkoli dodatnih vprašanj smo Vam kadarkoli na voljo.

Lep Pozdrav,

by Optics Trade team

Hello. I am interested in purchasing this reflex sight.I would like to know if the product is in stock and if not,when would it be delivered and shipped. Lp

Pozdravljeni. Zanimam se za nakup tega refleksnega merka.Zanima me če je izdelek na zalogi in če ni,kdaj bi bil dobavljiv in poslan. Lp

by Uroš


Thank you for your question.

The product is currently out of stock. The delivery time is 8-10 weeks from the date of order.

We are at your disposal at any time if you have any further questions.


Lepo Pozdravljeni,

zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaše vprašanje.

Izdelek trenutno ni na zalogi. Dobavni rok znaša 8-10 tednov od dneva naročila.

V primeru kakršnihkoli dodatnih vprašanj smo Vam kadarkoli na voljo.

Lep Pozdrav,

by Optics Trade team


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