Steiner 8x30 LRF 1700

Steiner 8x30 LRF 1700

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Steiner 8x30 LRF 1700 Product description

Designed specifically for the hunter, but with much of the technology taken from Steiner’s vast experience with the military and law enforcement, the Steiner 8x30 LRF 1700 binoculars are not only super tough but also deliver a high-contrast, very high-resolution image and all in a package that is lightweight relatively and compact.

The laser rangefinder on these Steiner 8x30 LRF 1700 binoculars could not be more easy to use. With a simple push of a button, you are presented with the distance to your target within the view of your optics.

Using the latest laser technology gleaned from Steiner's work with the military, and when in scan mode, these binoculars are also able to give you continuously updated accurate measurements, which for a small or moving target is vitally important.

With a reasonably wide field of view and a moderate 8x magnification, these binoculars work best at short to medium ranges. This makes them the ideal rangefinding instrument for the hunter operating in wooded areas or forests in particular.

The tough rubber armor covering on the exterior not only protects the optics contained within the housing but the soft surface offers more grip, is less reflective and dampens sounds much more than hard exteriors which both help to ensure that you remain hidden and undetected at all times.

The lightweight hunter will also appreciate the small compact design on these optics, which in combination with the laser rangefinder makes them even more convenient as you don’t need to purchase and then carry a separate rangefinder which saves you even more space.

What is more, with Steiner’s Sports-Auto-Focus system, once you have calibrated the binocular to match your vision using the ocular on each eyepiece, no further focusing is necessary. This makes the binocular incredibly easy to use, even with one hand, which if you are also carrying something like a bow or rifle is an important feature to keep in mind.

Whilst the relatively small 30mm objective lenses help to keep the size and weight of these binoculars to a minimum, it must be remembered that they are less proficient at collecting light as binoculars that use larger lenses. It is for this reason that these may not be the ideal solution if you often hunt in situations when the available light is poor. If this is the case, you may wish to consider a larger instrument like the Steiner Nighthunter 8x56 for example.

General properties

Manufacturer Steiner
Binoculars series Steiner LRF 1700
Made in -
Warranty 30 years
SKU 23150000

Optical properties

Type of prism Porro
Variable magnification No
Magnification. 8.00 x
Diopter adjustment +/- 5
Lens size diameter. 30.00 mm
Exit pupil. 4.14 mm
Field of view - FOV... 114.00 m/1000m
Field of view (angular). 6.53 °
Eye relief distance. 15.13 mm
Closest focusing distance. 3.00 m
Twilight Factor 15.49
Relative Brightness 14.06

Rangefinding properties

Max. rangefinder range. 2,018.67 m
Min. rangefinder range. 25.00 m
Measurement increment Meter, Yard
Measurement display Internal display
Precision +/- 1 m
Inclinometer No
Scanning mode Yes
Target mode No
Ballistic App No
Connectivity None

Reticle properties

Reticle illumination Yes
Illumination color Red
Usable at daytime Yes
Automatic Turn Off Yes

Physical properties

Lens coatings Fully Multicoated
Length. 145.00 mm
Width. 186.11 mm
Height. 74.44 mm
Weight. 890.73 g
Material Carbon
Working temperature range - 40 / + 80°C
Battery size CR2
Battery Pack Size Single Battery
Filled with Nitrogen
Focusing system Separated for each eye
Diopter setting location On both eye-pieces
Minimal interpupillary distance. 56.00 mm
Maximal interpupillary distance. 74.00 mm
Type of Body Single hinge
Color Green

Special features

Water proof Yes
Fogproof Yes
Tripod compliant Yes
Built-in Compass No
Built in Range finder Yes
Image stabilization (IS) No
Able to float No

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