Meprolight Tru-Dot for Remington (Front Sight)

Meprolight Tru-Dot for Remington (Front Sight)

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Meprolight Tru-Dot for Remington (Front Sight) Product description

Meprolight Tru-Dot for Remington (Front Sight)

General properties

Manufacturer Meprolight
Pistol Sights series Meprolight Tru-Dot
Made in Israel
Warranty 12 years
SKU ML-34045

Physical properties

Material Steel
Type of Sight Tritium Night Sights
Self-luminous Yes
Sight adjustment Fixed
Alignement Type Dot and bar
Sight color Green
Front sight Green Ring / Green LED
Color Black

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Hello! I am interested in buying a new pair of binoculars in the future, so I was wondering if it is possible to have certain binoculars inspected in your office (once the corona virus situation has subsided, of course). I was also wondering if you could give me an estimate of the value of the binoculars I currently own, or if you could let me know what the purchase price was, as I received it as a gift, and I would like to replace it now that I need to enlarge it more. The binocular is a Kahles CSX 1,5-6X42 L Abs. 4-Dot, no scratches or signs of use. I assume you are not in the business of buying and selling used binoculars? Thank you for your replies! Kind regards!

Pozdravljeni! V prihodnosti se zanimam za nakup novega daljnogleda, zato me zanima, če je možen pregled določenih daljnogledov tudi v vaši poslovalnici (seveda, ko se bodo razmere z korona virusom umirile). Zanima me tudi, če mi lahko ocenite vrednost daljnogleda, ki ga imam trenutno v lasti, oziroma mi zaupate kakšna je bila nabavna cena le tega, saj sem ga prejel za darilo, sedaj pa bi ga zaradi potrebe po večji povečavi zamenjal. Daljnogled je Kahles CSX 1,5-6X42 L Abs. 4-Dot, brez prask in znakov uporabe. Predvidevam, da se vi z odkupom in prodajo rabljenih daljnogledov ne ukvarjate? Zahvaljujem se vam za odgovore! Lep pozdrav!

by Dominik

If you are planning to visit our physical premises, you are of course welcome to do so. The price of the new Kahles CSX 1.5-6x42 binoculars was around 1700€. As you have indicated, we do not buy used binoculars.

V kolikor se imate namen oglasiti v naši fizični poslovalnici Vas seveda vljudno vabimo k obisku. Cena novega daljnogleda Kahles CSX 1.5-6x42 je znašala okoli 1700€. Kot ste sami navedli, rabljenih daljnogledov in odkupujemo. 

by Optics Trade team