Description of Kahles Helia 5 1.6-8×42 with a 4-Dot reticle
Kahles introduced Helia 5 scopes in 2011 and this year Kahles introduced the third model in the Helia 5 range. This model is Kahles Helia 5 1.6-6×42 and is mean primarily for stalking, mountain hunting and even for driven hunts. This scope will also be ideal for all of those who are looking for an elegant, sleek and light rifle scope.
In this article, you can see the reticle 4-Dot and its subtensions. This reticle is the common choice for Kahles Helia 5 1.6-8×42 riflescope and offers very thin aiming lines for precise shots. The illuminated dot in the reticle is controlled by an intelligent Kahles Automatic light system.
Kahles Automatic Light reticle illumination system
Kahles rifle scopes with illumination are equipped with the control system AutomaticLight for some time now and Helia 5 1.6-8×42 is no exception to this rule. This system enables the dot in the reticle to be illuminated with intensity levels suitable for extremely low light situations or with high enough intensity that the dot is visible in bright day light on driven hunts. AutomaticLight offer indefinite number of intensity settings so that the illuminated reticle can always be appropriately lit. Over-illumination or insufficient illumination of the reticle is thus always prevented and hunters can concentrate only on the aiming itself. In many hunting situations, this is of paramount importance since the hunter doesn’t have the time to deal with the technical downsides of the low-quality illumination systems. With Kahles Helia 5 AutomaticLight illuminated reticle there isn’t anything more you could wish for. The system also has the position sensor which automatically turns off the illumination when the riflescope is tilted sideways (left and right) or raised/dropped in the vertical direction. You can read more information about Kahles AutomaticLight in the following Instruction manual.
Kahles Helia 5 1.6-8×42 4-Dot reticle subtensions datasheet
The following datasheet was issued by Kahles at the first presentation of Helia 5 1.6-8×42 riflescope at IWA 2014. Since the reticle 4-Dot is placed in the second focal plane the subtensions change with the magnification shift. This is why the subtensions on this datasheet are defined at the highest and the lowest magnification setting.
Kahles Helia 5 1.6-8×42 4-Dot reticle subtensions photos in nature
Probably the best way to get an impression about the actual reticle coverage on the target is by taking a photo of it. However, I do advise that you don’t judge the optical quality on the basis of these photos. Most of the imperfections come from the camera lens, alignment of the camera to the scope, and other mistakes made at the moment of making the photo. So these photos don’t really tell much about scope optical quality but they do give you a nice impression about the reticle coverage. The target was placed on 100 meters and you can see the target below.
Video of 4-Dot reticle subtensions in Kahles Helia 5 1,6-8×42 and the AutomaticLight system
Kahles Helia 5 1.6-8×42 Reticle 4-Dot Subtensions Video
Video of Kahles AutomaticLight System in Helia 5 1.6-8×42
4-Dot reticle subtensions at 1.6x magnification
At 1.6x magnification, this riflescope offers an impressive 25.5 m/100m of Field of View and is perfectly usable even at driven hunts. With a day-bright illuminated dot in the reticle, this is especially true.
4-Dot reticle subtensions at 3.0x magnification
4-Dot reticle subtensions at 6.0x magnification
4-Dot reticle subtensions at 8.0x magnification
I hope that this article gives a fair insight about Helia 5 1.6-8×42 riflescope and its 4-Dot reticle. If you have any suggestions about this article or our articles in the future, please use the comment windows bellow and tell us your opinion. If you liked our article we will also be grateful if you will share it on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and etc.