Vortex Diamondback 8x42

Vortex Diamondback 8x42

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Vortex Diamondback 8x42 Product description


This all-around Diamondback 8x42 can be used for different purposes and is therefore suitable for wide varieties of outdoor activities. This model would be recommended for observations of the game and other wildlife by birdwatchers and hunters in open areas. Full sized 42 mm objective lens gives good light performance and is suitable for observations in both day time and early mornings/late evenings. It would also be recommended for travelers that want to enjoy the sightseeing and enhance the visual experience without the need for very detailed images due to 8x magnification. Vortex Optics took care of the quality phase prism coating and anti-reflective coating for even higher performance with good light gathering ability to spot the target object. Field of view of this Diamondback is 120m, making it little easier to follow fast moving objects. The height of these binoculars is 5.8 inches or 14.73 cm, width is 5.1 inches or 12.95 cm and the weight is 21.8 ounces or 618 g, which makes it a universally sized. It can be used mounted on a tripod, but would also gave enough stable images if only carried in hands. Thanks to Argon gas purged construction, these binoculars have especially good protection against water and fog and you wouldn’t want to worry for sudden temperature drops due to its O-ring seal for maximum compression. Vortex Optics not only made quality protection solutions but also ergonomically optimized its design for easy carrying around.


Short description of Vortex Diamondback Binoculars

The best-selling Diamondback Binoculars from the Vortex Optics are hand-friendly binoculars with roof prism design that makes them convenient for everyday use. Diamondback models would be recommended for the first-time buyers that are looking for binoculars with good quality and high-performance at affordable price. Incredible ergonomic design is the result of short hinge design and lightweight body. Hard rugged rubber armor provides a non-slip grip and protects binoculars against impacts and abrasions. They are fully waterproof and eliminate internal fogging due to temperature fluctuations with Argon gas purging sealed with O-rings. Diamondbacks have very quick and smooth central focus view with grippy central wheel and right-eye diopter that eliminates the differences in your eyes. Anti-reflective coating in these on all glass surfaces increases light transmission and gives good resolution in low light conditions with the help of phase correction. Diamondback binoculars have multi-positional twist eye caps that are soft tapered for relaxed viewing and can be adjusted for a proper eye relief even for glass-wearers. The lens covers are independently tethered and can be easily attached and removed. You can mount the most powerful models to a tripod for less shaky images. Price-performance ratio of these binoculars is outstandingly high!


Features of Vortex Diamondback Binoculars

  • Rugged rubber armor coating
  • Phase Correction
  • Multi-coated Lenses
  • BaK-4 Prisms
  • Center focus wheel
  • Right-eye diopter
  • Tripod adaptable screw
  • O-ring seals
  • Waterproof and fog-proof construction (Argon gas purged)
  • VIP Warranty: Vortex unconditional unlimited lifetime warranty


Accessories of Vortex Diamondback Binoculars

  • Soft tapered eyecups
  • Tethered objective lens covers
  • Padded protective case for storage
  • Neoprene neck strap for carrying
  • Lens cleaning cloth


General properties

Manufacturer Vortex
Binoculars series Vortex Diamondback
Made in China
In production since 2016
Warranty 10 years
SKU DB-204

Optical properties

Type of prism Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variable magnification No
Magnification. 8.00 x
Diopter adjustment -
Lens size diameter. 42.00 mm
Exit pupil. 5.30 mm
Field of view - FOV... 131.00 m/1000m
Field of view (angular). 7.51 °
Eye relief distance. 20.46 mm
Closest focusing distance. 1.50 m
Twilight Factor 18.33
Light transmittance -
Relative Brightness 27,56

Physical properties

Lens coatings Multicoated
Length. 147.00 mm
Width. 145.58 mm
Weight. 692.41 g
Working temperature range -
Filled with Argon
Focusing system Central
Diopter setting location Right eye-piece
Minimal interpupillary distance. 63.92 mm
Maximal interpupillary distance. 84.10 mm
Type of Body Single hinge
Color Green

Special features

Water proof Yes
Fogproof Yes
Built-in Compass No
Built in Range finder No
Image stabilization (IS) No
Able to float No

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Reviews & Testimonials

3 reviews
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Very good build quality. Vrlo dobra kvaliteta izrade.

The binoculars are very comfortable in the hand, and focusing is smooth and precise. The mechanics are excellent, only the diopter adjustment ring should be a little harder. My sample has the closest focus at 1.8m, not 1.52m, as stated by the manufacturer. The image is quite sharp in the middle of the field of view, only along the edges is there a noticeable blurring. When looking at certain angles in relation to the sun, there are reflections, but they are not very problematic. The image is bright and small details can be seen even in deep shadows or in low light. All in all, the binoculars have a very good price-quality ratio. [email protected]
Dalekozor je vrlo udoban u ruci, a fokusiranje teče glatko i precizno. Mehanika je odlična, jedino prsten za podešavanje dioptrije bi trebao biti malo tvrđi. Moj primjerak ima naj bliži fokus na 1,8m, a ne na 1,52m, kako navodi proizvođaač. Slika je u sredini vidnog polja prilično oštra,samo duž rubova je primjetno zamućenje. Kod gledanja pod određenim kutovima u odnosu na sunce, javljaju se odbljesci, ali nisu jako problematični. Slika je svijetla i mogu se vidjeti sitni detalji i u dubokoj sjeni ili kod slabijeg osvijetljenja. Sve u svemu, dalekozor ima vrlo dobar odnos cijene i kvalitete. [email protected]

Review by

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5 5

I was very positively surprised when my colleague and I compared this Vortex D. 8x42 with a 3x more expensive (and 2x heavier) dedicated 8x56 binocular from a reputable brand in the dark. <br>Total conclusion: excellent binoculars for the price! Very useful even in evening or morning twilight, surprisingly good light transmission and clear image for this lens size. Light enough and small enough to be stuck in, it doesn't take up much space in a rucksack. Wide enough field of view and very good depth of field for the Roof lens system.
Zelo pozitivno sem bil presenečen, ko sva s kolegom v mraku primerjala ta Vortex D. 8x42 s 3x dražjim (in 2x težjim) namenskim daljnogledom 8x56 zveneče znamke. <br>Skupna ugotovitev: odličen daljnogled za to ceno! Zelo uporaben tudi v večernem ali jutranjem mraku, presenetljivo dobra svetlobna prepustnost in jasna slika za to velikost leče. Dovolj lahek in majhen za zalaz, v nahrbtniku ne zavzame veliko prostora. Dovolj široko vidno polje in zelo dobra globinska ostrina za Roof sistem leč.

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Inexpensive but of decent quality

I have red plenty of reviews about these binoculars and when I got them I have compared them against all binoculars of my friends. I made the right decision, since I can see that in this price class it would have been hard to get binoculars with a better quality. I can easily recommend them to all beginners in birdwatching.

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