
With a motor-driven mount, it is essential to know all astronomy terms. 

When is guiding needed?

Guiding is essential in the world of astrophotography. For long exposure images, a mount with tracking and auto-guiding is recommended. 

With the guiding system, the user can take clear images of deep-sky objects, since the periodic error can be neutralized, and necessary corrections can also be made. 

If you are using high magnification and long exposures, an auto-guiding system with a secondary telescope (guiding scope) and a guiding camera is often required. 


Guiding (Source:

It is important to know that successful auto-guiding is only possible with an equatorial mount. If you want to use auto-guiding on an altazimuth mount, the guiding star on your image will be round and sharp while all other stars around will be trailed (field rotation effect).