Blanc Cartridge Belt 24P 135 cm, real leather

Blanc Cartridge Belt 24P 135 cm, real leather

(1 reviews)
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Blanc Cartridge Belt 24P 135 cm, real leather Product description

Blanc Cartridge Belt 24P 135 cm, real leather

General properties

Manufacturer Blanc
Made in Serbia
Warranty 2 years
SKU BLA178-135TRc

Holster properties

Concealable No

Physical properties

Length. 1,350.00 mm
Material Leather
Accessories for Ammunition
Number of bullets $24.00

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5 5

The belt is made of high-quality natural leather. As leather is a living material, after purchase I recommend that the belt is coated with leather cream before use (which I would otherwise recommend after purchasing any natural leather product). Otherwise, the product is of good quality, the stitching is strong, and the colour is a nice brown. The belt is padded, which makes it more comfortable to wear, but it can be slightly warm in the summer months, but not so much that it is in any way disturbing to wear/use.<br>Length is excellent, the product is long enough to be worn both as a belt and slung over the shoulder.<br>Although the ammunition points are a bit tight right after purchase, which is to be expected given that the natural leather expands slightly with use, and therefore, in the beginning of use, if the belt is not tightened enough, it may be more difficult to draw a bullet in certain places, but this does not affect the usability of the belt. Therefore, after purchase, I recommend that the belt be cleaned with the cartridges inserted.<br>Aesthetically, the belt is very nice, as well as usable, so I can honestly say that I am very satisfied.
Pas je narejen iz kakovostnega naravnega usnja. Ker je usnje živ material, po nakupu priporičam, da se pas pred uporabo premaže s kremo za za usnje (kar bi sicer priporočal po nakupu vsakega izdelka iz naravnega usnja). Drugače je izdelek kakovosten, šivi so trdni, barva je lepa rjava. Pas je podložen, zato je sicer nošnja udobnejša, je pa zato v poletnih mesecih lahko rahlo topel, vendar ne toliko, da bi bilo pri nošnji/uporabi kakorkoli moteče.<br>Dolžina je odlična, izdelek je dovolj dolg, da se ga nosi in kot pas, in obešen preko ramena.<br>Takoj po nakupu so sicer mesta za strelivo nekoliko tesna, kar je sicer pričakovano, glede na to da se naravno usnje ob uporabi rahlo razširi, se pa zato, v začetku uporabe, lahko na začetku uporabe pasu, če pas ni dovolj zategnjen, na določenih mestih, težje izvleče naboj, kar pa ne vpliva na uporabnost. Zato po nakupu priporočam, da se pas pospravi z vloženimi naboji.<br>Sklepno, pas je estetično zelo lep, prav tako tudi uporaben, zato lahko iskreno rečem, da sem zelo zadovoljen.

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