
Target turrets



Target rifle scopes are meant for people who seek pinpoint accuracy at the range. These scopes offer possibilities for setting the scope in a way that rifle accuracy is best utilized. However, the shooter cannot avoid a lot of test shots for fine tuning of all the settings of his scope in order to achieve best possible results.

Most common features of target scopes are: fine reticles, fine click increments (1/8 MOA or similar), min. magnification from 4x to 6x, max. magnification from 16x to 80x (which is very high magnification), SFP (second focal plane) reticle and high target capped turrets.

Main differences of target turrets, compared to hunting capped turrets, can be noticed in height, markings (target turrets have big numbers that are well visible), turn indicators (lines under target turrets), click values (1/8 MOA is quite common on target scopes) and also in one feature that is in common with all target turrets – they are always resettable.

Advantage of using target turrets is noticeable in a way that user can always clearly see and distinguish target turrets on a rifle scope. This is because of the fact that they are high and offer good grip. These turrets are meant to be used often and not only when the scope is being zeroed (like with hunting turrets).

Turn Indicators in Capped Target Turrets

Turn indicators are almost always present on target rifle scopes. Most usually, they are made in a form of lines under the turret. They are visible when using the scope, because target turrets are being raised or lowered when dialled, thus the space between the turret and the scope tube changes. Lines are a very simple indicator for a user, because he always knows in which turn the turret is located.

Nightforce Target Turrets

Nightforce Competition 15-55x52 (with Target Turrets)


However, this is much more primitive turn indicator, compared to mechanical ones found on tactical scopes. Nevertheless, it works!


Waterproofness might be an important factor when choosing the scope. We might find ourselves on a shooting match during a rainy day, abandoned by cruel mother nature who shows no mercy for our shooting gear. Thankfully, majority of target turrets are waterproof even when caps are off the scope.

However, not all of target rifle scopes are waterproof – check it before making a decision. It is also recommended to check the waterproofness even when you already own the scope; this can be done by checking if there is an O-ring seal around the turret. This is usually a sign that caps are the ones that make (only) the turret waterproof. In such cases, only caps make the turret waterproof. This means that you are safe only with the caps on. When the caps are off, such turrets are probably not waterproof without them.

Click Values

Most common click values on target rifle scopes are ¼ MOA and 1/8 MOA. Fine clicks are needed for precise target shooting which is the main reason for this decision by majority of manufacturers.

Sightron III

Sightron III 8-32x56 LR (with Target Turrets)

Zero Stop in Target Turrets

Zero stop feature is a nice feature that offers fixing our turrets at zero when we zero the rifle to preset distance (usually 100 meters or 100 yards). This function is especially useful in low light conditions when we can hardly read (or not at all) engravings on turrets. However, it is a nice feature for tactical rifle scopes, but not so much for target scopes. The main reason lies in the fact that target rifle scopes are normally not used in dark or any other low light conditions.

Target practices, matches and other events are always happening during a day at good light conditions. Therefore, majority of target turrets do not offer zero stop function. They are resettable in most cases, but without zero stop. Another issue with zero stop feature is that its mechanism usually takes a lot of space and thus does not fit under the cap.


In conclusion, target turrets are normally (more or less all of them) very high. They are built to be used often and they offer fine and precise clicks. Numbers on these turrets are clearly visible and quite big.

Video Presentation of Target Turrets

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Field target is an outdoor competition where competitors use air guns to shoot at steel targets 9–50 m away. The competitors shoot from various positions – prone, kneeling, sitting, and standing.

In field target competitions, steel targets with a hole in the face plate are used. They are usually animal shaped. The hole is called the kill zone – if the shooter hits this area (with a certain force), the target trips over thanks to the paddle installed behind the hole. If the shooter hits the face plate, the target does not fall.

The shooters are not given the information on the distance to the target. It is up to them to determine it with the help of their riflescope (more information can be found below). No laser rangefinders are allowed at the competitions.

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II (silver)

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II (silver)

General features

An adjustable parallax is the most important feature of a riflescope designed for field target competitions. To cover the distances on which the targets are put, it must be settable from 7 m onwards.

Riflescopes designed for field target shooting boast high magnification power which is important for distance evaluation. Only at high magnification can the user successfully estimate the distance with the help of the parallax.

Tactical turrets are common – it is important for the user to have the elevation and windage adjustments at hand as POI adjustment with the help of turrets is essential in the field target competitions.

Generally speaking, most features of these riflescopes are identical to the ones on F-class riflescopes.

Why do shooters attach big wheels on the parallax turret?

In field target shooting, the competitor estimates the distance to the target with the help of an adjustable parallax.

Participants mark their scope with distance marks – when the image is in focus, the shooter knows the distance to the target. This is done only once for each riflescope before participating in competitions by setting the target at various distances with the help of a long tape measure or a laser rangefinder. Many shooters use a marked tape to write the distances down on the parallax of the riflescope.

A sidewheel makes this procedure easier for two reasons. With it, you can set the parallax much more precisely. Furthermore, you are provided with the surface for applying the marked tape. Most riflescopes with an adjustable parallax have the parallax knob on the side, hence the name ‘sidewheel’. Kahles K1050i FT 10–50x56, for example, has the parallax knob on top, at the base of the elevation turret – in this instance, the term ‘topwheel’ is much more suitable. A universal term used for this accessory is ‘parallax wheel’.

Certain field target riflescopes feature additional equipment such as bubble level to provide the most accurate distance readings.

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's sidewheel

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's sidewheel

Does temperature affect the accuracy of distance reading?

Field target competitions require the shooter to be extremely accurate. When competing in high temperatures, the accuracy of the riflescope can be compromised. For this reason, many optics manufacturers offer silver field target riflescopes. These do not heat up in the sun as much as classic, black riflescopes.

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's sidewheel

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's sidewheel

Can F-class optics be used for this type of competition?

F-class riflescopes are identical to field target riflescopes feature-wise which is why an F-class riflescope can be used for field target shooting. At the beginning this was the only way – it took a while for the manufacturers to introduce riflescopes designed specifically for field target. The development of these riflescopes was based on the features of F-class riflescopes.

Can this type of riflescopes be used for F-class competitions?

This is possible though not ideal as parallax on certain field target riflescopes cannot be set beyond 100 m. The reticles used in field target are not best-suited for the F-class shooting.

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's bubble level

Schmidt & Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II's bubble level

short presentation of optics is available here