This year, Yukon introduced a new series of digital night vision monoculars called Signal. In this series are two devices, very similar in features – Signal 320 RT and Signal 340 RT. They differ only in the wavelength of the beam emitted by the infrared illuminator and the distance of detection. In this article, we will talk about Signal 340 RT which is made exclusively for hunting because it features an infrared illuminator that works on the wavelength of 940 nm, which is invisible to animals even when the beam is aimed directly at them. Namely, the animals can’t detect wavelengths over 850 nm of light. Yukon Signal 320 RT, on the other hand, has an infrared illuminator that emits a beam with a wavelength of 850 nm, which we wouldn’t recommend for hunting due to detection reasons.

Features of Yukon Signal
Digital night vision devices have one big advantage over common analog devices – they are not sensitive to bright light sources. Because of that, the user can turn the device on also during the day, and the device won’t be damaged. Whatsoever, Yukon enclosed a filter that should be attached for daytime use. This filter reduces the light transmission and increases the contrast of the displayed image. This greatly improves user experience during the day. Digital night vision devices have a longer lifespan than analog devices, and the most important feature is that they can detect, like Yukon Signal RT 340 RT, wavelengths over 900 nm.

4 AA batteries are required for the device to operate. For the power supply, we can also use a power bank which is connected to the device via a micro-USB connection. This is great during colder months when the operation of the device can be extended by bringing the portable battery to a warm place, e.g. in a pocket or under clothing, which will prevent rapid discharge. Yukon Signal 340 RT is a surprisingly lightweight device with which we can observe up to 300 m. This is provided by a powerful built-in infrared illuminator with three levels of illumination intensity. The image provided by the device is optically increased 4.5 times, and a 2x digital zoom permits a further 9x magnification. The resolution of the LCD screen is 640×480 pixels. The device also provides the function “Display off”, which allows the user to turn off the display of the device without interrupting other functions. This is great for raised hide hunting, where the user has to observe the area every few minutes, and this feature extends the life of the battery.

Yukon Signal 340RT has a built-in video recorder that allows you to take photos. Pictures and videos are stored on the device’s internal memory, from where you can transfer them to your computer or smartphone. For the smartphone or tablet, the user must install the Stream Vision app provided by Pulsar. It can be installed on smartphones with Android or iOS operating systems. When it comes to Stream Vision, it should be emphasized that this is the most sophisticated application on the market at the moment. This application is used in other new night and thermal devices, and it will be compatible with night-time and thermal vision devices that Pulsar is going to present in the future. Yukon Signal device is designed to create the Wi-Fi network by itself, to which the user then connects with a mobile phone or tablet. The fact that the device can be managed via a mobile phone greatly increases its useful value. The device allows you to record videos with a resolution of 640×480 and take photos with a 1280×960 resolution.

Yukon Signal 340 RT is the perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable but powerful night vision device that offers the ability to capture videos and take photos. The device is characterized by a long lifespan and the possibility of managing it via a mobile phone. The warranty period is 3 years, and Yukon also offers product service after the expiry of this period. If you send the device for repair, you will not have any problems because the product will not leave Europe – the repair is carried out in Belarus.
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