The new firmware is here
Pulsar is continuing the streak of launching handy updates for their devices. The last two updates which went viral in the second half of 2019, brought along major improvements. Now the case is no different – they are releasing an update for their top-of-the-line devices that carry an ‘XP’ mark –

Firmware 4.0 XP updates
One of the last year’s updates already increased these devices’ detection, recognition, identification, and recording quality. Pulsar is now taking their performance to another level.
Image detail boost is the first change. This function increases the contour sharpness of the heated objects, providing greater details. The image is amazingly clear and sharp, allowing better identification of objects. This all-new option is turned on by default after the device is updated but can be switched off in the main menu. The function works best when there are high-temperature differences in the environment.

User mode is the second change. Up to now, three modes were available on the XP devices – Rocks, Forest, and Identification. In the User mode, the user can manipulate with settings in the existing modes according to his or her own preference. Once saved, the settings will remain as set even when the device is turned off and back on.
New colour options for reticles – the thermal riflescope Thermion XP now has two new reticle colour combinations – a black reticle with a white dot and a white reticle with a black dot.
Icon brightness settings – The range of the brightness of icons is now wider, allowing the user to dim/enhance the brightness even more. The icons no longer shine into the user’s eyes in the night. In bright daylight, the icons can be set to strong-enough intensity for the user to clearly see them.

The new firmware also brings along minor bug fixes and performance-enhancing changes.
Pulsar encourages their customers to contact their client service should they encounter any problems when updating the device: