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New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging

Swarovski & Sustainability

Swarovski Optik is admired worldwide not only for its top-notch sports optics but also for the environmentally-conscious ethos that is instilled in every phase of production.

To keep their promise of more sustainable materials, the Austrian specialist has redesigned the packaging of their EL binos. The exception is the EL Range series.

New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging (image source: Swarovski Optik)
New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging (image source: Swarovski Optik)

The new field bag is made of 100% natural fibers such as linen and cotton. You’ll be able to purchase it as an individual product as well.

Recycled materials used for the new packaging will reduce the carbon footprint, which remains a major concern of the modern industry.

Tackling these issues head-on, Swarovski will do its share in securing a fairer and greener world for future generations.

New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging (image source: Swarovski Optik)
New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging (image source: Swarovski Optik)

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New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging
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New Swarovski EL Binos Field Bag & Packaging
Swarovski Optik is admired worldwide not only for its top-notch sports optics but also for the environmentally-conscious ethos that is instilled in every phase of production.  To keep their promise of more sustainable materials, the Austrian specialist has redesigned the packaging of their EL binos. The exception is the EL Range series.  The new field bag is made of 100% natural fibers such as linen and cotton. You'll be able to purchase it as an individual product as well.  Recycled materials used for the new packaging will reduce the carbon footprint, which remains a major concern of the modern industry. 
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